Van Rental Shah Alam

We often see various advertisements / hanging banners / paper distributions about rental cars around Shah Alam, but very rarely do we see advertisements for rental vans shah alam and its contemporaries. This is most likely the demand for van rental services is still low in Shah Alam compared to the rental car business that was established in Shah Alam as early as 2000 or earlier. This can be evidenced by the existence of very fierce competition between rental car operators both online and offline and so on. For example, the Shah Alam area with the most rental car business is the Section 7 Shah Alam area. In 2019 alone there are almost 10 car rental companies that carry car rental services covering areas around Shah Alam. This figure does not include individuals / individuals who also run the same business, namely the rental car business. This shows that the car rental business in Shah Alam has always been in high demand and it continues to this day.

Google Search Van Rental Shah Alam

Admin would like to state here, Google Search search data for shah alam rental van is 100 – 1000 searches per month. This is almost equivalent to 6-10 individuals / companies looking for this rental van service within 1 day. Interesting isn’t this rental van business ??? Almost every day there are people who look for a van rental service to meet their daily work needs. Based on admin observations through data from Google Search and other Networks, there are rental van operators who use Google Ads advertising (formerly known as Google Adwords) which is a paid advertising platform provided by Google. The opponent of Google Ads advertising is SEO. Through these Google Ads, van sewa shah alam operators will advertise their van rental business in the top 10 @ first page Google. The concept of Google Ads paid ads is simple, that is, “highest bid highest rank” @ whoever pays the most expensive BID, his business ads will be in the top ranking of / search.

Google Ads For Shah Alam Rental Business

Google Ads or formerly known as ‘Google Adwords’. Google Ads paid advertising is becoming increasingly popular, especially for business owners. Google Ads can help business owners to get sales in a very short time and quickly if all the account settings are correct. This Google Ads advertising will generate sales through every click that results, the result of business / product searches by users who use Google. Want to create a Google Ads account is easy and it is Free, can use Gmail account. But to enable this Google Ads to work as we want, it requires specialized knowledge, experience and technical skills. Wrong settings will cause the business owner of the rental van shah alam business to suffer huge losses because this Google Ads is a topup amount and every click that comes from it will reduce the credit balance of the owner of the Google Ads account. Therefore, the owner of this Google Ads account needs to make the most accurate and optimal settings to enable each resulting click is able to generate sales.

Value Keyword Bid For Shah Alam Rental Market

Detailed bid data for this rental van keyword / keyword can be seen through the Google Ads account where it will show the value of a search. The higher the keyword bid value, the higher the online competition for the business involved. For example, the shah alam rental van market is much higher in demand compared to the peak nature rental van market. Among the factors are the lack of van rental operators for the Puncak Alam area compared to the Shah Alam area where the van rental business has been growing for a long time and so on. Another factor is in terms of population density. The more the population the higher the demand for the rental van business. Through Google Ads, we can also see the trend of how online competition occurs, and rental van operators will definitely try to place links / websites / blogs / etc in the top positions for Google search. The concept of keyword bid is easy to understand, namely highest bid & lowest bid. Whoever bid the highest, he who will sit in the top ranking of Google once. So, when a customer searches for a rental van through a Google search, the top link will definitely be found first compared to the link – the rental van competitor link which has the lowest bid rate and this is where sales will likely occur.